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Public Holiday Bulk Load through Spreadsheet Loader

Organizations have this requirement to configure Public Holidays across locations to identify and track the availability of the workers. Public Holidays mapped with Work Schedules serve this purpose.

We can configure Public Holidays through task 'Manage Calendar Events' from Setup and Maintenance one by one, but if business for customer is spread across multiple locations, this could be a cumbersome process for HR to create Public Holidays for each location one by one.

HCM cloud has this feature 'Manage in Spreadsheet' through which entries can be created in Excel and uploaded directly to the system. This spreadsheet provides functionality to download all the Public Holidays configured within the system as well.

Prerequisite - Desktop Integrator should be installed to work with spreadsheet, if it is not, please follow below navigation and download the same -

Navigation - -> Tools - - > Download Desktop Integration Installer

Steps to follow -

Step 1 - Click on 'Manage in Spreadsheet' button, you will get below popup to allow system to open ManageCalendarEvent.xlsx in local machine. Click on OK to continue.

Step 2 - System will popup second dialog box to connect with Cloud application, click on Yes to continue.

Step 3 - You will get Sign in page over Excel to login with your credentials, provide user name and password to proceed further.

Step 4 - You will get columns populated, see brown circled icons, Download will pull up all the Public Holidays created in system to Excel, and Upload will commit the changes in HCM cloud application.

Step 5 - Added two sample rows to load into the application, triangle icon in the brown box indicated the rows with changes and ready to upload to application.

Step 6 - Click on Upload. Status column of the Excel will change to 'Row inserted successfully'.

Step 7 - Let's validate these entries into the application, navigate to Manage Calendar Events, and search for loaded records -

Congratulations, record loaded successfully!


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