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Eligibility profile in Fusion HCM application : Basics

An Eligibility profile in Fusion HCM (specifically Core HR, Absence Management, Compensation and other modules) is used to define the population selection criteria for specific business objects.

Create an Eligibility Profile with an example:

Requirement (Example) -

We need to write eligibility for a qualification absence plan named Maternity Leave.

Eligibility Criteria - Those employees whose gender is female, assignment status is Active and assignment category is Blue Collar.

Navigation -

My Client Group >> Absence >> Eligibility >> Eligibility Profile>> Click On Create >> Click On Create Participant Profile

Step 1 and 2

Step 3 and 4

Step 5 and 6

Provide the proper Name to the Eligibility Profile (Ex - Maternity Leave – Demo). Profile Type is auto populated so we don’t need to do anything. Next one is profile usage. We select global because we want to use this eligibility profile in all components. Description is an optional field. In the field Assignment to Use we select any assignment-enterprise and the last field is Status which is to make the eligibility profile active and inactive, we leave the default value for now as Active.

Now let’s work on requirement. There are three conditions in this requirement -

First is Employee gender is female:- Go to the Eligibility Criteria and select the Personal tab after that click on gender.

Second requirement is assignment status is active:- Go to the Eligibility Criteria and select Employment tab after that click on Assignment status.

3rdrequirement is assignment category is Blue Collar:- Go to the Eligibility Criteria and select the Employment tab after that click on Assignment Category.

This way we can configure the requirement for creating the Eligibility Profile.

Let’s Discuss the Eligibility Criteria in detail :-

There are five eligibility criteria and we will discuss all five eligibility criteria in details

  1. Personal :- First Eligibility criteria is personal. In this Eligibility criterion we can set the criteria through the delivered personal details like person gender, person type, Disabled, Uses Tobacco, Service Areas, Home Location etc.

  2. Employment :- Second eligibility criteria is related to the employment fields like Assignment Status, Hourly or Salaried, Assignment Category, Grade, Job, Position, Payroll etc.

  3. Derived Factors :- Derived Factors is a very interesting and important eligibility criterion. With this eligibility criteria we can restrict an employee for an absence plan based on the age , length of service, Compensation, Hours Worked, Full-Time Equivalent and Combined Age and Length of Service.

  4. Other :- Through these eligibility criteria we can set the criteria for eligibility profile based on the Benefit Groups, Health Coverage Selected, Participation in Another Plan, Formula and User-Defined Criteria.

  5. Labor Relations :- In this eligibility criteria we can set the rule for eligibility profile using Bargaining Unit, Labor Union Member, Union and Collective Agreement

Please let us know if you need any other details related to the Eligibility Profile, Happy Reading!


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