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Compa-Ratio : Calculation, Connection, Configuration, UI Display

Compa-Ratio also known as Comparative or Comparison Ration.

Employees within the organization works on their specific grades, and each grade will be having their specific grade rates which derives from the min, max, and mid salary range for each grade within the organization.

Example - Say Mr. Z is working on S1 grade with min grade rate as 1000$, max grade rate as 3000$, so the mid range will be 2000$ considering below formula -

Mid Grade Rate = (Min Grade Rate + Max Grade Rate)/2

Now Compa-Ratio will be calculated based on mid Grade Rate with the salary of the person employee was hired. In above example, say Mr. Z was hired on S1 grade with salary 2500$, then the compa-ratio will be 1.25 for this person with below formula -

Compa Ratio = Employee Salary/Mid Grade Rate

Compa Ratio comes very handy in terms of decision making during compensation cycle.

How compa-ratio is configured in Fusion application - there needs to be a connection/link between the following items.

Salary Basis > Job > Grade > Grade Rates

  • Salary Basis : Grade Rate to be mapped at salary basis level.

  • Jobs - Valid Grades has to be mapped at the Job level.

  • Grade - Grade Rate has to be mapped at the Grade level.

  • Grade Rates - Min, Mid, and Max values should be mapped at this level.

Navigate to Change Salary task to get the Compa-Ratio details of any specific employee.

Below tentative query to get the compa-ratio details -

select COMPARATIO from CMP_ASG_SALARY_V where assignment_id in 
(select assignment_id from per_all_assignments_f where person_id in   
(select person_id from per_all_people_F where person_number='XXXXX') and assignment_type='E')



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